As I sat one day looking at the heart stickers my 3 year old daughter
carefully placed on our windows for Valentine's Day, it occurred to me that hearts are so
much more than a symbol of love. Our hearts are the part of us that God
created with the purpose of connecting to Him.
When God created our hearts, as He was knitting us together in our
mother’s womb, He was making our hearts with great purpose in mind.
When I was pregnant with our second daughter, Sydnee, I went for an
ultrasound midway through my pregnancy and was told that our daughter
may have a heart defect. We were sent to a baby cardiologist two weeks
later to take a closer look at exactly what the heart defect was.
During the two weeks between appointments my family and I refused fear
and clung to Psalm 139, knowing that God was making her beautifully and
wonderfully. I hoped that the case was that God just wasn’t finished
with her heart yet, but we knew, even if she was born with a heart
defect, God doesn’t make mistakes. Everything he makes is made
perfectly and with purpose. Even with a heart defect, God was making
her a heart that would connect with His.
Here are five scriptures that reveal to us part of the purpose God had in mind when He created our hearts:
1. His Dwelling Place
“Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him.
Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.”
-Ephesians 3:17 NLT
Your heart was designed to be His dwelling place. I seriously
can’t get over that. It blows my mind! My oldest daughter (3 years old)
was sick with a stomach ache a few weeks back and as she clutched her
tummy I asked her why her stomach was hurting. Her response was, “I
don’t know. I think God’s trying to get out.” I questioned her further
and soon realized that she had grasped the conversation we had with her
about how God lives in her. She just had one slight misconception that
God could make His way out of us once He had already made himself at
home. Let me assure you, dear ones, He’s not going anywhere!
2. His Search Engine
“You will seek the Lord your God and you will find him if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul.”
- Deuteronomy 4:29 ESV
Our hearts were made to search for God, to literally thirst for
Him. This explains the emptiness you feel in your heart until you meet
Christ and begin to understand the unfathomable measure of His love.
This is why people can search endlessly, trying to fill the hole in
their heart until they come to the realization that God created our
hearts with a God-shaped hole inside. Only he can fill that hole, and
when we search for Him with all our heart, we will find Him. He will
fill the empty space and make our hearts complete.
3. His Conference Room
“My heart has heard you say, ‘Come and talk with me.’ And my heart responds, ‘Lord I am coming.’”
-Psalm 27:8 NLT
Isn’t it amazing that the Lord created our hearts to be the place
where we talk with Him? I have had a few conversations with fellow
Christians where we question if we are hearing God correctly. Sometimes
when God calls us to do something radical we may think, “Was that
really you Lord, or a voice in my head?” I know I may have just given
the impression to the non-believing world that Christians walk around
with voices in their heads, but I know there is a brother or sister in
Christ out there who is totally resonating with what I am saying right
now. I find this verse interesting because it is so clear that our
heads are not God’s meeting place of choice. He calls our hearts to
come and talk with Him and our hearts respond. He created our hearts to
be the very place He dwells and communes with us.
4. His Worship Center
“My heart rejoices in the Lord.”
-1 Samuel 2:1 NLT
Oh how the Lord must smile when our hearts sing praises to Him.
Throughout scripture we see references to our hearts being filled with
joy, thanksgiving, and song. God created our hearts, hoping that we
would welcome Him in and serenade Him with songs of joy, gratitude, and
praise. That is what is so beautiful about corporate worship. To
gather around with fellow believers and hear the hearts of many lifting
up their thanks and praise to God is amazing. And that is just a
glimpse of what we have coming in the future. One day we shall all
gather before the throne and on bended knee let our hearts cry out to
the Holy One. It makes my heart smile just thinking about it; imagine
what it does to His.
5. His Tablet
“The message is very close at hand; it is on your lips and in your heart so that you can obey it.”
-Deuteronomy 30:14 NLT
We are commanded to lay up the words of God in our hearts; to write
them on the tablets of our hearts. It is so easy in the media-centered
day we are living to become saturated and distracted with outside
influence. Having the Word stored up in our hearts enables us to
continually obey it and helps us to stand guard against the enemy’s
schemes. This is where scripture memorization really comes into play.
Having a bundle of scripture memorized and readily available helps us to
remain strong and diligent in any situation when fears, temptations,
and trials come after us.
Now let us not forget the greatest purpose of all; so great that I felt the need to separate it from the above list.
“Jesus replied, ‘Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all
your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest
commandment. And the second is this, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
-Matthew 22:37-39
God created our hearts for love: to love and to be loved. He loves
each and every one of us with an unfathomable, unfailing love. He
desires for us to love Him back, so much so that Jesus himself deemed
this the greatest commandment of all. Even our most loving
relationships on earth pale in comparison to the love that God has for
us, and the Bible is full of examples and evidence of such love. In the
previously mentioned scripture, Jesus goes on to say that the second
greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself. Isn’t it
beautiful that God didn’t desire to keep all that love to Himself? He
designed our hearts to love one another. Allow God to fill your heart
with His love so that it spills over onto other people and above all
back to Him. Hold fast to that love.
Check out this Casting Crowns song. All He Ever Wanted (Was Our Hearts)
"Through faith in the name of Jesus this man was healed..."
- Acts 3:16
If you are a woman seeking to walk closely with Jesus and live the victorious life He has for you, then this blog is for you. Join me as we journey together through all the joys and challenges of being a woman, and together we'll grow through faith in His name. Each and every one of us has something to be healed from: a past, sins, addictions, or even just the daily burdens we carry as women, wives, moms, sisters, and friends. Draw near to Him with your fellow sisters, be healed, and walk victoriously through faith in His name.
- Acts 3:16
If you are a woman seeking to walk closely with Jesus and live the victorious life He has for you, then this blog is for you. Join me as we journey together through all the joys and challenges of being a woman, and together we'll grow through faith in His name. Each and every one of us has something to be healed from: a past, sins, addictions, or even just the daily burdens we carry as women, wives, moms, sisters, and friends. Draw near to Him with your fellow sisters, be healed, and walk victoriously through faith in His name.