
"Through faith in the name of Jesus this man was healed..."
- Acts 3:16

If you are a woman seeking to walk closely with Jesus and live the victorious life He has for you, then this blog is for you. Join me as we journey together through all the joys and challenges of being a woman, and together we'll grow through faith in His name. Each and every one of us has something to be healed from: a past, sins, addictions, or even just the daily burdens we carry as women, wives, moms, sisters, and friends. Draw near to Him with your fellow sisters, be healed, and walk victoriously through faith in His name.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Sent to Strengthen and Encourage

“Moses' arms soon became so tired he could no longer hold them up. So Aaron and Hur found a stone for him to sit on. Then they stood on each side of Moses, holding up his hands. So his hands held steady until sunset.”
Exodus 17:12

Have you ever become so tired and weary that you could no longer fight the battle before you?  In our moments of emptiness and weakness it is important to look to God and lean on Him as He fills us back up; but like Moses, at some point we may all come to a point where we just need to find a place to sit and have our friends come beside us to hold us up so we can keep fighting. 

This morning before I even finished my first cup of coffee I was puked on twice and pooped on once (sorry for the graphic details).  As those of you who have had sick kids know, I am tired and feeling like I am running on empty.  I can’t hold my own arms up at this point, but praise God, I have friends and family who are willing to come beside me and help me.  I have friends who are lifting me and my sick little girl up in prayer as I type.  That’s the will of God in action! We were never meant to walk this life alone, girls.  We need each other.  God has placed people in your life for the very same purpose that He sent Timothy to the Thessalonians—“to strengthen and encourage you in your faith so that no one would be unsettled in these trials.” (1 Thessalonians 3:2)  Embrace those around you today and praise God for the blessings He has placed in your path. 

Lord, thank you so much for the relationship I have with you,  and thank you for surrounding me with support.   These ladies have accomplished your purpose 100 times over. They have made sure that I do not grow weary in doing good, and they have definitely strengthened and encouraged me in my faith. What a beautiful example of godliness you have set before me. Father, help me to be that kind of friend in return. Place people in my path who need to draw strength and encouragement from me. Please bless and protect my dear friends today. I love you my God, Amen.