
"Through faith in the name of Jesus this man was healed..."
- Acts 3:16

If you are a woman seeking to walk closely with Jesus and live the victorious life He has for you, then this blog is for you. Join me as we journey together through all the joys and challenges of being a woman, and together we'll grow through faith in His name. Each and every one of us has something to be healed from: a past, sins, addictions, or even just the daily burdens we carry as women, wives, moms, sisters, and friends. Draw near to Him with your fellow sisters, be healed, and walk victoriously through faith in His name.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Seeds of Faith

“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed.  It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that all the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.” 
-Matthew 13:31-32

I love this parable.  When the seed of faith is planted, it has the capacity to grow into a tall, strong tree in which others can find shelter.  This means so much to me as a mom.  I want to have the kind of faith that my daughters can nest in while they grow in their own faith.  When a tree grows strong and tall, it can withstand the wind and storms, but when the wind blows, the seeds from the tree are scattered.  I want faith strong and sturdy enough to withstand the storms of life.  When I encounter trials, I want to walk through them in a way that others will grow in their faith as they witness unshakable faith in an unshakable God.  I want seeds to fall from my tree daily to be planted in the lives of those around me.  Today I will focus on nurturing my own tree, feeding it with the Word of God and keeping any weeds from growing around it. 

Lord, my Precious God-

Thank you for your word and the power within it.  Lord, I want faith strong and big like a tree.  May my girls find shelter there as their faith matures.  Lord, mature me through your word and use me to plant seeds of faith in the lives of those around me.  I am willing and I am yours.  I love you! In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.